Beta Version 1.0.5 Release!

Hey guys! We've had a very successful first week, garnering over 100 views and over 25 downloads!! Thank you all so much for the feedback, it's helped me a TON. Anyway, this week I've made a few updates/changes. Here's the changelog.


  • Added new spyglass feature, allowing you to see what's happening on the main island while away on the resource island.
  • Added keybinds to the Game Options screen for the Crafting, Inventory, and Spyglass keys.
  • Changed parameters for certain enemy types.
    • Some enemies now require a certain amount of games won total to be able to spawn
      • Mage Pirate comes out after 1 win
      • Miner Pirate after 2 wins
      • Armored Pirate after 3 wins
    • The hope with this is that most players should now be able to beat the game on their first run, and once they get a feel for it, they'll be able to handle the harder enemies
  • Timer now starts when reaching the resource island, giving the player time to explore the main island and see what map they got.
  • Base gathering speed decreased from 3 seconds -> 2.5 seconds. 
    • Stone tools still decrease that time by 2/3.
  • Base rowing speed increased from 15 seconds of travel time between islands to just 10.
  • Removed Pike Tower's on hit sound effect, as it wasn't scaling properly with Master and Tower volume (and was kinda annoying)
  • New save file now starts with volume at 100% instead of starting at 0%, essentially muted.
  • There's now a subtitle on the main menu showcasing the version
  • Fixed a bug where the tower description stayed active upon closing and reopening the crafting menu
  • Tutorial has been re-worked to include the changes (minus spyglass, figure it out yourselves lol)
  • Mage Pirate's shield regen has been reduced from 2.5/second down to just 2/second.
  • Pike Tower damage increased from 7 -> 9


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